

I recently came across this picture of myself taken at the tender age of fifteen. Looking into my eyes with that hint of a smile, one could not have anticipated what the future held for me. 

Shortly after this photo was taken, the smile on my face would be dimmed with pain, heartache, and disappointment. I would sink so deep into despair; I attempted to take my own life.   Eventually, ending up in foster care, my future filled with uncertainty.

However, looking back on those dark days, I’ve realized that those painful experiences were not the end of me. In hindsight, those experiences were shaping and molding me for something greater.

A caterpillar’s transformation goes through each stage slowly, surely, and expectantly.   Once crawling on its belly, the caterpillar will emerge into a magnificent butterfly, representing beauty, hope, and grace. 

The caterpillar already possessed everything within itself to become a butterfly. It is primed from birth and destined to be transformed.   When the caterpillar is in its Pupa stage – from the outside, it may look like nothing is happening. Still, significant changes are occurring on the inside. 

From birth, your experiences, whether good or bad, is preparation for what’s ahead. Transformation is sometimes messy, but the outcome is a masterpiece. A tragedy is a means for us to triumph.

A New Age Has Begun & The Possibilities Are Endless

Last month, as I celebrated turning fifty-five, I received a birthday text from a friend stating,

“The years past are the old ages and the years to come are the new age. We are not getting older we are becoming new with every turning year. A new age has begun, and the possibilities are endless.”

That text resonated with a word I wrote in my journal earlier this year – Becoming

Becoming speaks of something ongoing. It gives the impression of the future and believes that something transformational is happening. 

Becoming is a process where we are not exactly who we were, yet not precisely who we hope to be. It means we are a work in progress –heading toward a desired destination or result. 

Don’t allow age, circumstances, or people to count you out. No matter where you are in life, know you are where you’re supposed to be, but understand you are not stuck. You are evolving. Your story is unfolding minute by minute. 

According to Google, fifty-five is a powerful number. It symbolizes significant life changes, new experiences, and personal growth. 

So instead of looking back with regrets or ahead with dread, look forward with anticipation. 

This is not the end, and we are not done!

Our best days are still ahead. There is more to give and even more to receive.

We are Becoming

Becoming better, stronger, braver, and wiser. As we walk the path before us, we have more confidence in the person we are becoming.

Today, I continue to trust the process. Surrendering to what was and opening myself to the endless possibilities of the future.

It will be challenging. I’m sure there will be days that I will cry out in frustration when the weight to conform bears down heavily upon me. The pressure, however, is producing something precious and sustainable. 

I am convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Until I Become

This is – The Water I Give

4 thoughts on “Becoming

  1. What a beautiful message, Collette — thank you. You are a radiant beauty — at 15, at 55, and will be at 105:) Thank you for reminding me to arise with expectation, & to find hope & consolation in in the process of ‘becoming’. Sending a prayer for the wounds of the past, and hope for the future on butterfly wings.

  2. My Sweets-
    I never thought that all of what existed in me back in yesteryear would bring me here. However, I’m thankful to be reminded that my past contained parts of my future. Thanks!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a reminder I think we need from time to time: “ Don’t allow age, circumstances, or people to count you out. No matter where you are in life, know you are where you’re supposed to be, but understand you are not stuck. You are evolving. Your story is unfolding minute by minute. ”

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