Stepping Into The Circle

Stepping Into The Circle

It has been said there are three types of people in the world.  Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened!

For too long, I have been part of the “watch” and “wonder” group when it came to my desire to write and for years, I have watched safely from the sidelines, as others pursued their dreams of writing. I told myself “yea, one of these days.”  Years later, and I was still repeating the same mantra despite repeated promptings within my spirit and from family and friends. 

Looking back, some of the things that hindered me were, a lack of discipline, fear, and the opinion/criticism of others and even myself.  Because let’s be honest, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.    

I had all these words, thoughts and ideas simmering in my heart, but I kept them buried.  Sure, I would jot them down in my notebook now and again, but they remained hidden and safe from all-seeing eyes. 


Who does not like to feel safe?  But let us look at a few definitions:

Not threatening.

Unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction.

Not likely to take risk.


 Let us look at it again: Safe

No threat – Unlikely to produce – No risk taking  

Safe, sounds ordinary, cowardly, passionless, unexciting , uninspiring, and confining; keeping one from living life to the fullest.

Being safe was preventing me from being BOLD.  Then Covid-19 gave me a wake-up call and a shift occurred in my spirit.  The things that were buried deep in my heart shifted to the top.  Suddenly, that voice inside me gets insistent, and what I’ve procrastinated becomes urgent, and I know what needs doing, must be done!

You see, stepping into the circle was the only way to quiet the voice inside my heart that was,


Challenging, Compelling,

Entreating, Imploring,

Persuading, Pleading, Provoking, Prompting,

SHOUTING, Stirring,

Telling, Whispering,

“You can do this – You must do this.”

Disruptions To Your Restrictions

In Stepping Into The Circle, I might, or should I say, I will become a target. More importantly, I become a threat and a disruption to the fears, doubts and insecurities or whatever else that keeps me confined.

Sure, they keep trying to attach themselves to me, but I pry their fingers off my heart, one by one. I stepped into the circle and move out of my comfort zone and into my calling.

When I Step Into The Circle it means:

Moving from being a spectator – to being a PARTICIPANT.

Moving from being on the sidelines – to being IN THE GAME.

Moving from being fearful – to being FEARLESS.

Moving from saying I can’t – to saying I CAN, and I WILL!!!

I think of another person who stepped Into the Circle, when it would have felt safer not to. 

This Is The Moment

In the book of Esther, we have a young orphan who came out of obscurity to be queen.  When there was a threat against her people, Esther assumed she would be safe because she was inside the palace.  Her uncle stirred her on with these words.

Perhaps this is the moment for which YOU have been created.  Esther 4:14

Esther realized staying silent and safe was not an option.  She decided to speak up for herself and her people.  She took a BIG step into the circle and declared, “If I perish, I perish, but I must see the king!”

So, here I am, stepping into the circle and into my bold and brave self.  Will it be easy?  No! Will I face criticism?  Most likely!  The Bible states, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” It is time to make my dream and passion a reality. 

In I Chronicles 28:20, As David instructed his son Solomon to build the temple of God, he told him, “Be strong and courageous and do the work…”

What restrictions are keeping you from stepping into your calling? What’s holding you back? What are you waiting for?  It is time to step into the circle and do the work. 

You say, “But what if I fall?” as Erin Hanson stated, “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”

Be Well,

With The Water I Give

21 thoughts on “Stepping Into The Circle

    1. Praise the Lord!
      My wife has definitely stepped into the circle and I am very proud to have you moving forward with this passion that will bloom into something awesome.
      I love you my Sweets!

  1. Great read, uplifting, reflective and well constructed article that can be applicable to so many life scenarios and situations.

  2. Collette,
    I was scrolling and came upon this announcement, followed the link and read your first in many to come. Great work, what’s in you will come out for the betterment of those you are called to reach. Congratulations! I will share to my group. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  3. You quoted a verse I’ve been contemplating this week, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”
    and capped it with, “But what if I fall?” as Erin Hanson stated, “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”
    You inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and into the deep.
    I plan to share your blog on my own this week as well as on Facebook. You are a writer and encourager to watch. Go girl!

  4. You quoted a proverb I’ve been meditating on this week, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”
    Then you capped it with, “You say, “But what if I fall?” as Erin Hanson stated, “Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”
    You inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and into the deep.
    You are a writer and an encourager to watch. I plan on sharing your post on my own blog as well as on Facebook. Go girl!

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